Other Services
Expert Determination
Expert Determination is a proven and viable alternative to litigation, arbitration and mediation.
The process is not governed by law, statute or by a body of court rules. It is governed by contract, more specifically by contract between the parties to the dispute. The appointment of an Expert Determiner may arise from the triggering of a ‘dispute resolution clause’ within a contract, for example. But even if there is no such clause, the parties can still agree to refer their dispute to Expert Determination. The dispute, the procedures to be followed, will then be governed by an underlying agreement.

Please click the button to visit my Expert Determination website for more details….
Marine Insurance Expert witness
An expert witness can play a very important role in the field of marine insurance dispute resolution, whether the dispute be in the form of litigation, arbitration or even mediation.

Alan is an active insurance underwriter and practitioner with 40 years experience and continues to participate in industry associations within the education and knowledge sharing sectors. To many members of the legal profession, having an insurance expert who is current on industry custom and practice is key to providing effective and credible evidence to assist the court or tribunal in a given dispute.
Alan has been retained as a marine & liability insurance expert witness in over 40 cases based in the United Kingdom, Canada, United States and Singapore. Alan has testified at trial and arbitration on 4 occasions and has given sworn testimony at pre-trial and deposition hearings on more than 12 occasions.
Please click the button to visit my Marine insurance Expert Witness website for more details….
Audit and Peer Review
Insurance Company, Lloyds Syndicate and Coverholder Audit and Peer Review involves engaging Alan as part of the liability and casualty insurance due diligence process.

Alan draws on his long and wide industry experience in insurance spanning over four different insurance markets to assist insurance companies, reinsurance companies and Lloyd’s Syndicates to achieve and maintain professional excellence in the fields of underwriting, claims and compliance.
Please click the button to visit the Services Page on my Marine insurance Expert Witness website for more details….
Contentious Claim Review
Prematurely and or incorrectly denying a liability or casualty claim and failing to follow sound claims handling practices may lead to a very long, protracted and costly journey before the courts.

Engaging Alan to review a contentious claim with a second set of professional eyes may assist insurers in making an informed decision as to its final outcome.
Please click the button to visit the Services Page on my Marine insurance Expert Witness website for more details….
Jervis ICI Ltd. Edwinstowe House Mansfield Nottinghamshire UK NG21 9PR